
Get Your Body In Fat Burning Mode.

5 Ways to get your body in fat burning mode by boosting your metabolism.

What is metabolism? In very simple terms, metabolism is the process by which your body takes the food you eat (fuel) and converts it into energy! While all of us have a functional metabolism, some of us have a faster “metabolic rate” than others and this depends on our age, sex, body type and genetic makeup! People with a faster metabolic rate can burn calories faster and this plays a vital role in how much excess fat they will carry.


That being said, fat gain or loss will also depend on how much food you eat and how much physical activity you do. So a person with a high metabolic rate will still put on weight if they overeat and do not exercise.
The best formula to lose body fat is to:
1. Boost up your metabolic rate.
2. Eat the right portions sizes of food.
3. Add physical activity to your lifestyle.

Here are some thing’s you can do to boost up your metabolic rate and get your body in the fat burning mode:

1. Spice it up:


If you are Indian you love spicy food just like me. Here’s the good news, the green chilies that are commonly used in Asian cooking have something called capsaicin in them. The burn that you feel in your mouth when you bite on a green chili sends a message to the brain. This raises your heart rate, makes you sweat and releases endorphins. The result is a big metabolic boost! So add chilies to your meals.

2. Strength Training:


When you lift weights or use body weight to strength train, you increase your muscle mass. When you have more muscle, your body needs more calories to maintain that muscle and starts using your fat reserves. So the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn, giving yourself a metabolic boost. Add strength training to your exercise routine!

3. Sleep:


When you are sleep deprived or get an interrupted sleep your body releases cortisol, just like it does when you are stressed. This leads to craving sugary food or binge eating. Getting 6-8 hours of consistent sleep at night will help boost your metabolism.

4. Don’t Skip Breakfast:


Eating a meal within 30 minutes after you wake up will give you a huge metabolic boost. This breaks your fast and jumpstarts your metabolism for the day. I recommend having a meal rich in proteins, good fats and high fiber carbohydrates first thing in the morning. For example: An egg white omelet with lots of vegetables and a piece of multigrain toast with peanut butter!

5. Ditch the alcohol:


When you drink alcohol, your body recognizes the by-products of the alcohol as toxins. It naturally wants to get rid of the alcohol first and uses the calories from the alcohol first. The essential nutrients you put in your body from the food you eat get put on the back burner. All those extra calories in the food get converted to fat. This slows down your metabolism and adds body fat. If drinking alcohol is a part of your lifestyle, limit alcoholic drinks to 2 x 6 oz. drinks per week. Stay away from sugary cocktails that are loaded in calories.